The OSFM is hosting virtual listening and understanding sessions in March 2022. These sessions will assist the OSFM in informing the strategic investment of two new funding opportunities for Oregon communities with wildfire preparedness and response.
The discussions and resulting outcomes from the listening and understanding sessions will ensure that the OSFM focuses efforts where communities best need investments from the specific funding. The information and feedback you provide will be critical to shape programs and investments during the current and coming biennia.
These sessions are designed for two separate topic areas and will be an opportunity for stakeholders to ask questions, seek clarification, and make recommendations for the OSFM’s next steps. Please sign up for either or both sessions. There will be a separate session offered specifically to Fire Chiefs on March 15, 2022.
Community Risk Reduction Funding Listening and Understanding Session
Tuesday, March 1st, 2022
1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. – Virtual Event
Please register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/community-risk-reduction-funding-listening-and-understanding-session-registration-266491281597
Note: Your registration will ensure that you are added to our attendee list. Those on the attendee list will receive a link to the session and affiliated materials prior to the meeting date.
Please join us for a short presentation reviewing the funding provided through Senate Bill 762 as it relates specifically to Community Risk Reduction. The session agenda will include:
· Overview of the funding assigned from the legislature for Community Risk Reduction (CRR) in Senate Bill 762
· Summary of draft considerations for community risk reduction funding
· Feedback opportunity for attendees
· Close-out and next steps
Response Ready Oregon Funding Listening and Understanding Session
Tuesday, March 8th, 2022
1:30 – 3:30 p.m. – Virtual Event
Please register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/response-ready-oregon-funding-listening-and-understanding-session-registration-266495273537
Note: Your registration will ensure that you are added to our attendee list. Those on the attendee list will receive a link to the session and affiliated materials prior to the meeting date.
Please join us for a short presentation explaining the funding provided through Senate Bill 762, which is specifically for wildfire response facilitated through OSFM in Oregon. The session agenda is as follows:
· Overview of the funding assigned from the legislature for Emergency Response in Senate Bill 762
· Summary of draft considerations for Emergency Response funding
· Feedback opportunity for attendees
- Close-out and next steps
If you are experiencing difficulty registering for the sessions, please email Oregon.SFM@osp.oregon.gov, and we will assist you with your registration.
Thank you for considering adding these sessions to your schedules.