December 3, 2021
Good afternoon,
We wanted to share this update from our partners at the Oregon Department of Forestry. It contains key information for those seeking grants. Give it a look and pass it on to others who might be interested!
Thank you,
Jodie Barram and Jen Fenton
Oregon Living With Fire

Grant application periods open, applicant workshop scheduled, and Rulemaking Advisory Committee meeting on Senate Bill 762 implementation next week
The Oregon Department of Forestry recently released grant solicitations for two distinct grant programs authorized by Senate Bill 762. Both are accepting proposals until early in January.
The Landscape Resiliency Program (section 18) will award $20 million for treating landscape-scale projects to reduce wildfire risk on public and private forestlands and rangelands, and near homes and critical infrastructure. An applicant workshop was held Monday, November 29. A recording of the session, application materials, and program information can be accessed on ODF’s website.
The Small Forestland Grant Program (section 24) will award $5 million for projects that reduce wildfire risk through the restoration of landscape resiliency and reduction of hazardous fuels on a small forestland owner’s property. An applicant workshop will be held Monday, December 6 from 2 to 3 p.m. A link to the workshop, application materials, and program information can be accessed on ODF’s website.
The Rulemaking Advisory Committee on Wildland-urban interface boundary criteria and statewide wildfire risk mapping will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Thursday, December 9. The department and advisory committee will continue work on administrative rules. The meeting is hosted through Zoom and can be accessed at: https://odf.zoom.us/j/92049428938. Public comment is accepted at all Rulemaking Advisory Committee meetings.
All Rulemaking Advisory Committee meetings are recorded and posted on the department’s YouTube channel.
Senate Bill 762 is comprehensive legislation passed with bipartisan support that will provide more than $220 million to help Oregon modernize and improve wildfire preparedness through three key strategies: creating fire-adapted communities, developing safe and effective response, and increasing the resiliency of Oregon’s landscapes. The bill is the product of years of hard work by the Governor’s Wildfire Council, the Legislature, and state agencies.
Additional information about Senate Bill 762 is available on ODF’s website.