Deschutes County grant program to fund projects that reduce wildfire risk!

A total of $100,000 is available to fund fuel reduction projects. Funding is supplied by the County’s portion of proceeds from video lottery gaming.  Preference will be given to communities or neighborhoods that are working to be recognized as a Firewise USA™ site or are currently recognized as a Firewise USA™ site and are proposing projects consistent with their Firewise action plan and community assessment.   Applicants must be working at the neighborhood or community scale (individual property owners are not eligible) to reduce wildfire risks.  Interested applicants can learn more and ask questions about the grant opportunity by attending an online meeting on August 26 at 3 p.m. Pre-registration is required. Register at the links below: 

August 26: 

 Find more information and an application by visiting  Applications are due by 5 p.m. on Wednesday September 30.